Proven Coaching Methods
Speed and Accuracy...
The faster a quarterback can transfer the ball from his hands into those of his receiver the more successful he will be. It's a very simple proposition, but a proposition that very few achieve.
We teach in phases. This time proven method assures that each quarterback gets there...achieves success. Each discipline is partly achieved before moving onto the next phase of training. Coaching in this manner allows our staff to build, sculpt and fine-tune each student athlete into a successful QB. Each phase enhances the student athlete's confidence, self-esteem, thus building his leadership ability as well. These proven phases take time and dedication from the students as well as the parents to achieve the desired results.
We can help most quarterbacks within the first hour of training, the training time to achieve our desired level of success is typically two to three years. But, it all comes down to the only get out what you put in.
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